16.12.2011 | by Dracovina | | Comments (18)
Christmas flood of pictures
Now the time has come again: Christmas is just around the corner, the shopping malls are filled to overflowing with human beings, who partial desperately try to find the right christmas gift for their lovelies, the postmen have to deliver packets in time, because many people order presents online on the verge of the feast and the christmas markets of every town are not save from the run of the visitors. Every centimeter of a store, of a parking ground, of a street and a market place is used by the people to find presents, to buy, zu deliver or just to drink a hot wine punch.
Every year the amusement is the same.
I have to admit that I stress out myself a bit at this time and I am searching a few days before the feast desperately for presents. In one week is the christmas eve and I miss the half of all little somethings, which I wanted to find. But if there was only the time problem it was not as bad as all. I often do not know what I should buy/get/tinker.
What is the use of it? Of christmas? Actually only to spend some nice days together with your family, yout partner or perhaps even with your friends. At this point I must say that I can not understand those who go celebrate the feast in the disco or something like that. This would never be a possibility for me because christmas is a family celebration. Do you agree or is there somebody who likes to go out for christmas?
So now back on topic. In my opinion christmas stands for community and not for a competition of the greatest and most expensive gifts. I think it is difficult to find an appropriate gift because firstly I do not want to buy the "first-best" which falls into my hands, something what will then gather dust in some corner, second I most like to give something personal and / or self handmade things and thirdly I am financially pretty limited. Great ideas like a trip or a spa weekend will therefore never be in the run. But well. Something suitable will be find certainly for everyone — sooner or later ;)
But there is also a downside of the buying-gifts-stress and the overcrowding for (pre)christmas time. The beautiful streets, lanterns, trees and houses decorated with fairy lights offer an amazing picture in the dark:
In the following I want to present you a walk in the evening to and on the christmas market and the historic christmas market of Lübeck (for me: a christmas medieval market) in the form of images. I hope you like the photos! Some of them are a bit grainy because I had no tripod withal, but I think you can forgive me :)
By the way: Have you ever noticed that people look funny at you if you take a photo from every stand on the crowded christmas market? I had the feeling I was stared at each photo — is it unusual to take images? :)
The pictures are in chronological order, the forward run, the christmas medieval market, the normal christmas market and the way back. Where I have the most pictures of the first market, but just see for yourself!
Related to "Christmas flood of pictures":
18. Dezember 2011, 18:42 Uhr
Danke :)
Das kann gut sein :D Ich habe dort einfach alles fotografiert^^ Die Bilder, die hier zu sehen sind, sind nur ein kleiner Auszug.
Ich finde es teilweise anstrengend mit einer Kamera herumzulaufen. Man muss richtig aufpassen, dass nicht irgendwer in der engen Masse daran hängenbleibt, sie herunterreißt oder zerkratzt. Oder man wird ganz angerempelt und stolpert ^.^ Ohoh... ist mir zum Glück nicht passiert. Aber ich dachte mir... einmal muss ich einfach Bilder vom Weihnachtsmarkt machen :)